Using observed human incidents as the foundation of my work, I blend real events and experiences into fictional narratives across video, installation, performance, and writing. Through imagined scenarios—often incorporating elements of the absurd—I explore social structures and the political subtext of the everyday, focusing on affect, emotions, labor, and the body.
My videos are shaped by the environments in which they are created, interrogating how social experience is presented, transformed, and consumed. Cultural, socio-political, and geographical contexts inform my practice, offering a framework to explore psychosocial phenomena such as group formation and dissolution, the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion, and the intersections of agency, freedom, labour, and leisure.
At the core of my practice is an exploration of the complexities of contemporary culture and the human condition. I am drawn to eccentric characters, places, and stories, reinterpreting them through inventive and tangential perspectives. By reimagining personas from uncanny viewpoints, I aim to expose invisible power structures, shifting identities, and the contradictions of human behavior. Using speculative fiction and unconventional narratives, I create otherworldly and absurd scenarios rooted in reality, collaborating with actors and non-actors to blur the boundaries between fiction and reality.
My work examines how we navigate our place within society, constructing our understanding of ourselves and others while exploring tensions tied to power dynamics, anxieties, desires, and fantasies. The outcome is a subjective, associative exploration of themes such as performance and agency, social class and collectivity, language and emotion, overlooked histories and media, and forms of resistance.